So now that the art show is all hung up and the reception has passed, I'm not sure what to do with myself. It's weird cuz for the past few weeks, there was just this massive buildup of excitement and anticipation, and I didn't have much time to focus on anything else. But now, I guess it's back to 'normal life', which just seems a little boring in comparison! However, I don't want to lose all this positive momentum. I hope to continue to create many new works, and I already have several more creative projects in-mind.
And now I'm ready to get back to vegan food-blogging! Honestly, last week, I didn't eat very well cuz I didn't have time to cook proper meals and I also ate far too many sweets, which is that I tend to do when I get stressed or under pressure. haha. And as a result, this weekend, my body started to give me a piece of its mind: "Give me veggies, nutrients, and rest!" I started to feel a little under the weather, with low energy and a scratchy throat, so then I spent most of the weekend being a homebody and catching up on sleep, and today I'm feeling muuuch better. The scratchy throat did not progress into a full-blown cold or flu, thank God. I'm definitely craving 'clean foods' now, like just a big plate of veggies. Ahhh~

I briefly mentioned this in the last post, but at the reception on Friday, I met Eunpah a reader and fellow Korean vegan blogger. She was so sweet and brought me a bag of vegan bread from Tartine bakery in Itaewon!

I haven't yet been to Tartine cuz I thought it was mostly non-vegan tarts & pies, but now that I know they have artisan breads, I shall add them to the list of places to visit.

My friend Abigail slept over at my place after the reception, so we enjoyed this bread for breakfast the next morning.

Three different toppings: marmite, gooseberry jam (from the vegan swap with Vera) with coconut shavings, and banana slices with walnuts and more coconut shavings. The bread was dense, chewy, and studded with whole oat groats. Yum. Thanks Eunpah!
BTW, here's a little *Fun Fact*: My parents had their hearts set on naming me 'Eunpah,' until they found out that there was already another baby at our church with that name, so then they switched to 'Mipa.' hehe. Imagine, there could've been two vegan, Korean bloggers named Eunpah! :)