I just signed up for the 10k race at Cancer Kids Marathon on May 1 (Facebook page here). My first race of the year, and also my first official 10k. I was tempted to register for the half marathon cuz I want the windbreaker jacket rather than the yellow shirt, but then I realized that the race is the day after the Bake Sale fundraiser, and I might be worn out from selling cookies and perhaps I probably won't have time to properly train for such a distance. Oh well, there will be plenty of other opportunities for that. Anyone else running this one?

I also went to another wedding this weekend! We are officially in wedding season...

It was a very upscale, extravagant wedding ceremony, with a 4-course meal to follow. Hm, my friends put on some fancy-pants weddings, huh?

I didn't get my own vegan meal-option this time, but they did have some yummy whole grain bread with walnuts, which I nibbled on.
I've never been one of those girls who dream about their future wedding, the dress, the colors, the location, etc, but after going to two weddings in a row, I can't help but think about what mine might look like (if I ever find Mr. Alien's Day Out- where are you?). Weddings in Korea are just not my style... . This isn't to be critical of the weddings I've been to here, but there's something rather impersonal about the way many ceremonies are done. Most of the time, the couple doesn't even know most of the guests as they're almost all friends of the parents. Also, I find them to be a lot less personal and intimate- they don't say their own vows, there's no maid of honor or best man, no funny speeches at the reception, no dancing or wedding band... it's just very... . sterile? Is it just me? Anyway, who am I to talk~ it's not like I've ever tried planning a wedding. Besides, I guess the most important thing is the union, not the wedding ceremony itself. The only thing I know is that if I ever get married, I'd like it to be a low-key, outdoors ceremony, with just my closest friends and family, and of course, with delicious vegan food & cake.
PS. I've heard from two people who are having trouble getting on this blog. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? Ah, i hope my blog isn't falling apart... .