Today is this blog's 3-year anniversary! In some ways, I can't believe it's already been 3 years, but then in other ways, I feel like it should be longer! So much has happened since the beginning and I feel like I'm a completely different person from who I was back in the beginning. Well, I just wanna say that I'm grateful for you readers out there who keep tuning in and for those who take time to write me nice comments. :)
And coincidentally, the Chincha?! blog just posted an interview of me for their 'blogger of the week' series. I'm honored to be featured! Chincha?! is a really great site and they're always sharing hip and exciting upcoming events in Seoul, so check 'em out.
Anyway, Happy 3 Year anniversary to all of us aliens out there, exploring this world one day at a time. Let's continue to be fearless in the kitchen, nourish our bodies and those we love, and live every day like it's a precious gift.

I leave you with a photo of today's breakfast: springtime strawberry scones with homemade kumquat jam.