As most of my readers probably know, I usually eat oatmeal or just fresh fruit for breakfast, but on the rare occasion, I will buy a box of cereal because it makes me feel like a kid again. There aren't too many vegan cereal options here, but you can find a few at department stores, Emart, Home Plus and Costco. In the past, I've gotten strawberry puffy cereal from Orga and Organic Heritage Whole Grain cereal from Costco.

Well my most recent cereal purchase was this 곡물과채 cereal at E-Mart, produced by Woongjin company. I've also tried Woongjin's 현미칠곡 cereal which is more similar to rice krispies, but it's made with 7 different grains, as well as some nuts and roasted beans (also available in large boxes at E-Mart or single-serving cups at Family Mart). It's pretty good, healthy, and vegan, but not as fun to eat as the puffed balls. :)

At first, I wasn't that impressed especially because they looked quite different from the image on the box, but then as I kept eating them, they got addicting! Love the crunch-factor and they taste a little fruity without being overly sweet. It's a nice break from the usual bowl of oatmeal, which I do get sick of sometimes. I could munch on this stuff for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Oh, and as a snack in between.

Xtreme close up~ You can see little specks of green spinach. :P

According to the ingredients list, they use whole, real ingredients including five different grains, and are flavored with veggies and fruit like kabocha pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, spinach, apples, and strawberries.

100% local (Korea-grown)
0% artificial additives
15% natural fruit & vegetable flavoring (?)
*Unless specifically mentioned, Alien's Day Out is not paid or sponsored to write product reviews. Moreover, 'Accidentally Vegan' items may be processed in a facility that also uses animal-derived products.