I just got a message from a friend here in Seoul asking if I could help find homes for two lovely dogs, so I thought I'd spread the word on the blog. If anyone is interested, please click here to contact Raphaelle.
Here's the info:

Winnie and Baxter are looking for forever homes or foster homes (we are fostering in emergency for one week only.) Winnie is a 3 year old female, spayed, with a short coat and foxy ears, Baxter a 4 year old male, neutered with a sweet underbite.
They are LOVELY dogs, very sweet and affectionate, easy going. Great personalities. They are super dog-friendly (even Orion gets along great with them!) and kid-friendly (previous house had a toddler). They are housebroken and have some training. They are food motivated, so more training should come easy. Crate trained. Both love belly rubs and kisses. Baxter has had hip surgery in the past but neither dogs currently have any known health issues. Baxter is very mellow ; Winnie a bit more enegertic but they would still both make great apartment dogs.
They have been living together for years and ideally would be adopted out together. They need to be rehomed because of family issues, NOT because of any issue with the dogs themselves. Owner is willing to donate plenty of dog supplies to the adoptive family, including their crates.