Phew! What a minty weekend it's been! Thank you to everyone who submitted orders for the vegan thin mint cookies. I literally juuuust finished making the final batch and they are chilling in the fridge so that the chocolate coating can set. I am officially thin minted-out! For this week at least. I'm sure I'll be back to making more within a few days. teehee. Can't get enough, I tell ya.
Anyhoo. I gotz loads of things I wanna blog about, but haven't been able to sit down and formulate my thoughts and daily life experiences into any cohesive blog posts. I shall try to get this blog caught up to realtime soon!
Not sure if anyone has noticed lately, but I've been trying to make some improvements to this blog to be a better resource to veg*ans in Korea. I recently added "Veg Eateries" and "Resources & Links" pages at the top, under the main bannerhead. Hopefully it will help those looking for veg-friendly restaurants in Seoul, and for grocery shopping sites, etc. Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, advice, additional info, etc. I'm also hoping to add a FAQ page, but I'm pretty slow when it comes to blog-improvement so please be patient! :)

Speaking of veg eateries, I'm so excited to blog about this new cafe I found! I was at Cheonho station a few weeks ago for the 'Speak' art performance show I was in, and spotted this new cafe getting ready for their grand opening. Seeing the name of the cafe "Vege Cafe" definitely sparked my curiosity! I made a mental note to check it out once it officially opened, and finally was able to return to the area this week and see what they were all about.

So basically, this is almost an entirely raw juice cafe, serving up freshly squeezed fruit & veggie concoctions. They're not a totally vegan cafe because they serve a few coffee drinks with dairy milk, but the vast majority of their offerings are raw vegan, which is so awesome! Just the fact that the 2 kind ladies behind the counter know the word "vegan" is a positive sign! :) They were both super friendly and helpful.

This sign says, "We do not add any water, syrup, sugar, colorings to our juices." I dig it. The menu on the wall can be a bit tricky to figure out because it's all in Korean, but you can get an English menu upon request, which has helpful descriptions of each juice, especially for the ones with bizzare names such as "Oli Va Diritto" or "Tutto Va Bene." Say wat?? Anyway, strange names aside, I can't wait to go back here and try the other juice concoctions!

I went with the "Leafy Green Health" juice, which is freshly juiced spinach, carrots, chicory, apples, and lemons. Totally raw, fresh, vegan, healthy, and good for you. Every time I drink veggie juices, I feel my cells come alive. I looooove it. This made me want to go home and bust out my own juicer that has been shoved in my closet for the past year or so. The serving is fairly small for its price (5,500 won), but the vibrant feeling you get makes every sip worth it (the other juices range in price from 5,500 - 7,500 won). The only problem is that I always feel like I have to guzzle raw juice down as fast as I can, before everything oxidizes and starts turning brown. I wish I could enjoy the juice for a longer time, at a slower pace, especially since I like to chill at cafes for a while.

The owner ladies were generous and also shared some sweetened organic black bean snacks which were really yummy.

Organic, vegan rice or black bean snack packages. They also have a couple English books on their shelves, and even one about eco dog care!
Some interior shots:

Free wifi available, as well as free PC usage. Go check this place out! :) Click here for more pics and a Korean menu.
Directions to Vege Cafe: Cheonho Station, Line 5&8, Exit 2. The cafe is right next to Exit 2.