Ah, sorry for the accidental previous post for those of you who use Google reader. Anyway, due to popular demand, I've decided to temporarily take online orders for my vegan thin mint cookies! :)

Vegan Thin Mint Cookies
Crispy, thin chocolate-mint wafer cookies, covered in a layer of more minty chocolate. Delectable, refreshing, and best served with a side of non-dairy milk & childhood nostalgia.
I tried adding a Paypal shopping cart, but haven't been able to figure it out yet, so if you're interested, shoot me an email at [mipalee (at) gmail (dot) com] with how many you'd like and your shipping address, and I'll send you my bank info, etc. Once the order is submitted, the cookies should be delivered to your door within 5 business days. Orders are limited to those residing in South Korea. Please place orders by Sunday 6pm! Thanks!
Oh! And if you'd like to save money on shipping, you can pick the cookies up directly at Harunohee Cafe.

I got some awesome positive feedback on these cookies after selling them at Harunohee last weekend, as well as several inquiries from some readers who missed the event, asking how they could get a hold of some. Infact, the other week, Nadia, one of my readers here in Korea, actually emailed me with an unexpected request for these treats. I was thrilled. My very first unsolicited cookie order!

Here they are, all packaged-up and ready to go.
Nadia's feedback: "They are pretty much exactly what I expected... the wafer and chocolate yum!!! and really great tasting too."
And here's what Daniel Gray from the blog 'Seoul Eats' said: "The thin mints were better than what a Girl Scout brings once a year. These were snappy and with sharp chocolate flavor that is rounded out with mint."

Anyway, thank you everyone for your interest and support. If there's enough interest, perhaps, I'll continue selling these cookies, and maybe even add other cookie options! :)