Looks like the weather was just teasin' us last week with all that glorious sunshine, but now it's decided to return to its cold, grey ways. Blah. Anyhoo~ Just wanted to thank everyone who made it out to Cafe Harunohee this past weekend to sample my cookies & strawberry shortcakes. I ended up baking another batch of the shortcakes and thin mints for Saturday because they were almost all gone by the end of Friday! :) I didn't stay at the cafe long to actually meet customers/readers, but the feedback I did get (especially on the strawberry shortcakes) was really positive, so I'm feeling super jolly about that!

The zucchini muffins
If you missed out on this weekend's special vegan menu, fear not. Minju and I plan on having more "Vegan Day" events at the cafe in the future. Also, I'm always dropping off vegan cookies and other smaller baked goods there, so it will regularly be stocked with vegan treats~ :)
Oh, and I checked my Google reader this morning to find that Daniel Gray from 'Seoul Eats' blogged about my vegan event! The fact that he came to the cafe, tasted my treats, and had only good things to say is seriously cool, especially cuz he's such a foodie- and omni at that! Besides, I've been a long-time reader of his famous blog, so it's awesome to be featured on there. Wheeee~!!!