Had a fun, spontaneous afternoon today! I had just finished up work when my friend Rachel invited me to hang out with another friend at the swimming pool by Ttukseom Resort Station. It had been about 2 years since I last went there and they had recently completely redesigned the pools, so I was happy to go check it out with her. We were both expecting it to be pretty empty since it's the middle of the week, but we were soooo wrong.

The place was bubbling with kids, moms, young unemployed people... hehe. This photo makes it look a lot emptier than it actually was. Can you imagine how much worse it is on weekends? Yikes.

Even though the place was crowded, it was quite nice to just chill by the pool and splash around in the water for a bit. There were a lot of clouds, but the sun was still able to come through from time to time, and when it did, it was really bright and strong. The sky was blue (rare for Seoul!) and it was cool to be right by the Han River.

By 5pm, we were all pretty hungry, so we went to the food area to see what there was to eat. Unfortunately, practically none of the food was vegan, except for maybe the tteokbokki (minus the fishcakes mixed in there).

My friends got a bunch of different foods, but I just got a pineapple slushy that tasted disgustingly sweet and chemically. Thank goodness I had stashed a banana in my bag, or my stomach might have started eating itself. In fact, now that I think of it, I should've taken one of those larabars I got yesterday with me!
Aside from the poor food/snack scene, we had a blast! What a random Wednesday afternoon~^^ Here are some shots of the Han River as it neared sunset:

The view from the subway station. As you can see, the pool was definitely emptier by 7pm.
Directions: Right outside Ttukseom Resort Station, Line 7. Entrance fee: 5,000 won for adults.