I've been on a sandwich-binge lately, but lunch at 'BaB' restaurant earlier this week got me in the mood to make my own bibimbab. On top of a dense layer of chopped up lettuce and perilla leaves, I added a mound of mixed brown/wild rice, three different sprouts, sauteed mushrooms and tofu, and a dollop of dwenjang (no gochujang this time). Oh, and a little drizzle of sesame oil. My bowl was filled to the brim! It was quite a challenge to actually mix it all up without making a mess all over my table. I desperately have to get a bigger bowl for my bibimbabs and monster salads.

Oh, and my order of pumpkin puree, oats, and blackstrap molasses arrived in the mail yesterday. Perfect timing because I just finished my last can of pumpkin puree in my oatmeal.

I love ordering presents for myself. :)