For you bookworms out there, here is some information on the English book stores in Itaewon.
{ Foreign Book Store }
This is a tiny store packed from floor to roof with second-hand books. It reminds me a lot of the used bookstores I used to peruse in Philly; the kind with seemingly very little organization, and with few fixed prices. It's just a hole in the wall, run by an elderly Korean couple, but it has a lot of character. I even found 2 vegetarian cookbooks!

Directions: Noksapyeong Station, Line 6, Exit 1.
{ What the Book? }
People are probably more familiar with this place, since they have an online store, and they are closer to Itaewon. This place has used books, but also holds a good selection of new literature. I usually go there for their magazines, which are cheaper than at Kyobo or Bandi & Luni's. They have some of my favorite magazines: Real Simple, Runners World, and Readymade (hm, I just realized they all start with 'R'). Sometimes they even have Adbusters Mag! :)

Since we're on the subject of books, here's what I'm currently re-reading. 'She's Come Undone' by Wally Lamb. I read this in high school, and now many many years later, I am reading it again. I remember enjoying it in high school, but I am appreciating it so much more now. I feel like I am reading it as a different person, and relating to it in a whole new way. It's amazing how a man can write from a woman's perspective so convincingly- one of my all-time favorite books for sure.