Vegan's Chronicles

Gusttimo Gelato
Gustimo Gelato

Was at Lotte Department Store over the weekend and couldn't resist treating myself to some dairy-free gelato from Gusttamo. I checked the list of 'Fruit gelato' to see which ones didn't have any milk (there's quite a lot of options!), and went with the Fruiti di Bosco which is made with red raspberry and bokbunja (Korean wild black raspberry).

Gustimo Gelato

Love the deep red velvet color. Since it was just before closing time, everything was discounted, so I got a small cup for 2,000 won, rather than the regular 3,500-something price. score! :)

Gustimo Gelato

This was so yummy!! I loved the crunchiness of the raspberry seeds, and the sweet, tart flavor.

Gustimo Gelato

I'll probably end up trying all the other vegan flavors over the course of this summer. The mango and pineapple ones were especially calling to me.