Today I delivered a whole bunch of cupcakes for a little boy's 4th birthday party! His mom contacted me about getting custom vegan banana cupcakes because her son is allergic to peanuts and egg whites, and other kids at the party also have certain allergies. It sucks that kids have to suffer with food-sensitivities, but it makes me happy to be able to cater to their specific dietary needs and spread veganism in this way. :P

fresh outta the oven

For these banana cupcakes, I used the 'Banana Split Cupcakes' from VCTOTW, but omitted the pineapple preserves and almond extract (for nut allergies). They came out wonderfully spongy, soft, and moist.

The mom said that when she asked what kind of cake her son wanted, he said "Buzz Light Year" from Toy Story. haha. Too cute.

I'm not very experienced with cake decorating, so I wasn't about to attempt detailed edible portraits of Buzz on each cupcake, but I also wanted this kiddo to get his birthday wish, so I tried to give the cupcakes a little 'spacey' theme with swirly two-tone buttercream frosting, star sprinkles, and Buzz's face on a toothpick. For the frosting, I used Nuttelex nondairy spread that I bought at Lotte Mart for less than 7,000won- waaay cheaper than getting it from Loving Hut!

And then for the gals who might be at the party, the mom requested cupcakes with Jessie the cowgirl's face. The frosting was originally meant to be red/pink, but I couldn't for the life of me find my red food coloring (it must've gotten lost during my move), so I made them yellow/green instead, with pinkish stars.

Ofcourse, I had to test-taste one for breakfast this morning.

I wish I had these birthday cupcakes when I turned four...

Packed up and ready for delivery! Even though these were rather labor-intensive, especially designing, printing, and cutting out the flags, I had a ton of fun making these cupcakes, and now I want to take a cake-decorating class! Anyway, I truly hope the boy likes his Buzz cupcakes, that all his friends are impressed, and that he has the best birthday yet in his 4-year life. :) To infinity and beyond!!!