The other day I was blog-hopping and came across this awesome zine about vegan food and living called T.O.F.U Magazine. And then amazingly later that same day, I got an email from Ryan Patey (editor in chief and the main brain behind the magazine) saying that he follows my blog and very recently moved from Canada to Daegu, South Korea. So now we can proudly claim that T.O.F.U is currently based in this little land of morning calm. How awesome is that. And although the content is not specifically related to Korea, he mentioned that it will probably include more Korean-related topics/recipes in the future.
Anyway, just wanted to pass this nugget of info along~ I had a look through it and there are tons of engaging articles and food for thought, as well as a number of tempting vegan recipes to try out. You can download a copy at this link by contributing as much or little as you see fit. Yes, you can get it for free! But I reckon it would be awesome to support this veg publication in any small way. :)

Here's some info about their winter issue:
In an effort to become more inclusive of the whole vegan community, the magazine is focusing on the diversity within the movement. Hence, Issue six covers the intersection of veganism with forms of oppression such as racism and homophobia, as well as other relatively controversial topics surrounding a plant-based lifestyle.
Highlights include interviews with Breeze Harper and Jasmin Singer, articles from Dan Hanley and Leigh-Chantelle Koch, and recipes from Miss Savvy, Lindsay S. Nixon, Miriam Sorrell, and more.
100+ pages, full colour.