Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Wow, it's so cold outside! Buggin 'ell! I was hoping the season would stay perpetually in fall, but no... . Winter had to stealthily sneak up from behind and deliver a roundhouse kick to our faces. I don't even know if that's even possible from behind, but whatever, it's coooold! It was so frigid yesterday that I officially pulled out my fake ugg boots to keep my feet cushy warm before heading out today. Mmm, toasty toes!
Anyhoo, enough chit-chat about the weather... . let's talk food.

Recently, I was amazed to learn that the FFM carries tempeh! I never noticed them before, because they are buried in the corner of one of the freezers in the back, amongst various frozen meat products.

I've been stocking up and eating this on a regular basis now. Protein, fiber, iron! All good shtuff.

With my first block, I made tempeh bacon using the recipe from Vegan Brunch. However, I left out a bunch of ingredients like the tomato paste and vegetable broth, and subbed agave syrup for maple syrup, and sesame oil for olive oil.

I'd actually never cooked tempeh before (only eaten it a few times in the US), so this was new territory for me. Yet even with all those omissions and substitutions, my bacon strips still came out yummy!

The taste and texture was actually more like ham/spam, but it was really good. Super salty, in a good way. I wanted to make a BLT sandwich with this, but didn't have any bread on me, so I ended up eating it with rice and banchans. I'll make a proper BLT next time~

Here's a tofu & veggie scramble.

Breakfast of oatmeal with chia seeds (ordered from iherb), pumpkin ddeok, pears and persimmon.
I've also been playing around with different baking recipes lately. And as is the case with experimenting, there are always a lot of flops and disappointments...

Apple muffins. They looked okay, but tasted bland because I forgot to add any spices.

It was desperately crying out for some cinnamon and nutmeg.

I also attempted a whole wheat carrot quickbread, but it turned out a bit dry and crumbly... . :(

back to the drawing board!

And how can I forget my failed persimmon muffins, which came out spectacularly flat and gummy on the inside. Persimmon season is ending, so I've kind of given up on this one. Maybe I'll try again next year... . :P

Oh, and don't even get me started on my attempt at the ever-so-popular microwave mug cake.

yeaaa... . we'll just leave it at that.