So it's been almost 2 months since I moved to the west side of Seoul. While I'm enjoying a lot of things over here, I also miss my old stomping grounds at Gunja. One of the biggest things I miss is being so close to the Achasan Loving Hut buffet! Now it's just so far that I don't want to sit on the subway that long to get there.
However, lucky for me, I found another veg*n buffet quite close to me! It's called 안현필 건강 밥상 (Ahn Hyun Pil Healthy Dining Table) and upstairs they hold health classes that teach community residents about holistic nutrition and the value of plant-based, natural, whole foods, organic diet. Originally, the buffet started out as a cafeteria for the students who attended the courses, but people enjoyed the food so much that they turned it into an actual restaurant.

Anyway, my mom was here the other week and so I dragged her there with me to check it out. As soon as we walked in, the owner ajuma greeted us with a warm smile. She also quickly walked us through the buffet line, letting us know where everything was, and explained the concept of the restaurant and their food values.

The spread isn't as plentiful and diverse as the Achasan LH, but eating here only costs 9,000 won so I reckon it's worth it! :)

All their greens are organic, they use whole wheat flour for their jeon pancakes, and they have healthy rice made from a mix of brown and wild rice.

They also aren't as veg-meat heavy like LH. There's only one wheat meat dish and the rest is just various vegan Korean dishes like japchae, mook, salads, soups, and kimchis.

Uncomplicated, fresh, natural food... just like it should be.

Fermented natto beans, vinegary soy beans, and dwenjang.

Even though it's a buffet which is normally associated with eating as much as your belly can handle, it's not the kind of place that promotes over-eating. They suggest that guests take their time to really savor the food and enjoy the meal, and they also ask that no food be wasted. Trust me, not a single morsel went to waste!

Lots of greens for rice-wrapping. Also, some salad with vegan dressing, natto and vinegary beans, and sea vegetables.

I'm actually not such a fan of natto... the sliminess is hard to get used to.

Pat juk! This wasn't the sweet version of patjuk, but just the regular, more savory type. Quite nice~~

Miyuk guk.

Whole wheat bread with some of their homemade syrup, seeds, and 5-bean powder. The ajuma suggested I eat the bread like this. :)

The bread was kept in a steamer so it was nice and warm and chewy~ I didn't really see the point of sprinkling the bean powder on top, but I did like their syrup and seed mix.

By the cash register, they have shelves carrying various veg*an foods like veg meat, ramen (not all are vegan though, so just double check), wheat crackers and snacks, various flours, dry noodles, organic sugar, etc.

Directions to Ahn Hyun Pil:
Daerim Station, Line 2 & 7. Go out Exit 2 and go down the first road on your left. Walk a few minutes, pass some food markets, and the restaurant will be on your left. 4-5 minute walk from station exit.