Vegan's Chronicles

Scary Movie Night!!!

Wow, it's been a while since my last post! Apologies for the long pause. Well, today is the last day of October which means Vegan MoFo has come to an end! I hang my head in shame over how little blogging in did this month for MoFo. But instead, I'm sending out virtual props and high-fives to all my fellow veg bloggers who showed the world that vegans don't live on carrot sticks and tofu alone. You guys blogged some crazy, impressive, cruelty-free deliciousness. Well done you!

Anywayy~ Since it was Halloween weekend, on Friday a couple of us gals got together at Kia's place for a scary movie night!

I am seriously the worst at watching scary movies. I'll never forget in college how I couldn't sleep for about a week after watching that zombie movie 'I Am Legend' with Will Smith, and I had to sleep in my roommate's bed! I usually avoid horror flicks at all costs, but this time, I decided to be brave and and embrace the 'scary.' First, we watched the classic 'The Exorcist' and later we also watched Francis Ford Coppola's version of 'Dracula.' Omg. I think I covered my eyes for about half of 'The Exorcist.' Freaked me out!! Everyone else had already seen it before, so I got them to warn me when the scariest parts were gonna happen. But still... . certain scenes and sounds... . aghhh, i don't want to think about it... moving on!


For movie-noshing, Kia whipped up three different vegan flavors of popcorn (cheezy-garlic, smoked chilli, and butter-salt), and a batch of soft, chewy chocolate chip cookies.


cookies cooling on the rack.


mulled wine!


Dogs went crazy for some popcorn! Anyhoo, I'm proud to say that I survived the night and actually didn't have any nightmares after (at least not yet). I guess I've gotten a little less sensitive with age... haha.

Halloween 2009 (blue tone)

Happy Halloween!! I didn't dress up this time, but here's me as a dark unicorn from last year.

What is the scariest film you've ever seen?