Oh my, it's already June 1st!!! Half of the year is almost up already! I can't believe how fast time is flying... . and I'm feeling the pressure to complete as much of my 101 list by the end of June. Well, I can now check off #101 "Buy something from my wishlist" because I just ordered a new camera!! A Canon s95! I've ordered it to my sister's place and she'll bring it to me in Paris. I'll be so happy to finally be done with my current point n shoot, which is constantly giving me grief. You might not be able to tell by some of the pictures on this blog, but it literally takes me about 50 shots, just to get one decent, non-blurry one, especially in bad lighting. I've been making-do with it for now, but I think it's time for an upgrade... .

Speaking of ordering things... . I also ordered some stuff from Vegeland the other day. Organic cane sugar for baking, 1kg of vital wheat gluten to try making vegan sausages, and 2 tubs of nuttelex nondairy butter. :) I love sending packages to myself!

And here are two notebooks I painted and stitched together. I'm trying to build a collection of handmade journals to eventually put up on my etsy store. hehe. Ok, that's all for today. tata!