One of the things on my 101 list is to go to an animal cafe. It's actually pretty lame that I haven't been to one already, considering how long I've been in Korea. It's just one of those things you have to do at least once. So when some friends invited me to check out a cat cafe last week, I figured it would be an opportunity for me to cross something off my list.

When people ask whether I'm a cat or a dog person, I can never really answer that because I love both for different reasons. My family also had several cats and dogs when we were living in Ghana, so I have special memories with both species. If I had a larger apartment, I would love to adopt a cat and a dog... and another rabbit... and perhaps a hamster... but I digress.

So anyway, back to this cat cafe. When we got there, all 10+ feline residents were being lazy and napping!

The workers there instructed us that we weren't allowed to bother any cats that were sleeping, so we just observed them quietly from a distance, waiting for catnap-time to be over. hehe.

In the meantime, we got coffee and took some photos. The good thing about cat cafes is that you can actually bring your work and be productive, since the cats don't bark or distract you too much. Infact, there were several people in there being very studious... it was strangely quiet.

These two were so purdy.

Perhaps I went into the experience with inflated expectations of attention-starved cats jumping onto my lap or sitting on my toes while purring lovingly, but in reality, most of them were rather aloof and even a bit hostile. I guess that's normal for cats, haha. They're probably wary of all the strangers who come through the cafe, sticking cameras in their faces.

But when they finally started to wake up, we got to feed them little treats and play 'laser tag' with them. They went nuts, chasing after the red dot! :)

The cafe had all sorts of ledges and walkways for them to jump up on and be stealthy. There seemed to be a cat hiding out in every corner, nook and cranny.

This was the only kitty that didn't mind being held by us strangers. :)

Next time I wanna go to a doggie cafe! There are several of them scattered all around Seoul, and they are usually more popular than cat cafes. I know a few people who take their own dogs there regularly to socialize with the other puppies. It's like Korea's version of a dog park, only you get to sip on coffee at the same time.

Directions to Book n Cat Cafe:
Heukseok station, Line 9 Exit 3. When you come out the exit, turn around and follow the sidewalk as it turns left. Go straight and you will see a family mart to your right. Pass family mart and the cafe will be on your left, on the 2nd floor.
Opening hours: 12 noon -11pm