Man, Lunar New Years is the best. I haven't done a lick of work for 3 days, and it feels awesome. And it's only Saturday morning! Still got the whole weekend to partay it up~~ Anyway, I'm back in Seoul now, but here are some photos from Cheonan.

My dad recently gifted my mom with a book about indoor gardening, and it's all about how to grow your own veggies in an small Korean-style apartment. Well, ever since then, my mom has turned their veranda (and living room) into a veritable vegetable farm. It's so funny to walk in and see this sight. There's something sprouting out of every empty container and carton!

I think she's growing different kinds of lettuce in these boxes.

They're all doing impressively well! Once my mom masters this, I'm gonna learn from her so that I can grow my own. Right now, I'm only doing sprouts (alfalfa and broccoli), but I wanna grow lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, etc. Just the thought of eating my very own organic, fresh veggies makes me giddy inside. Nerd.

Most of the stuff still has to grow more before we can enjoy it, but we did get to enjoy some things. Here's a mook salad with alfalfa sprouts straight from my mom's veggie patch. Fantastic. You appreciate the food and nutrients so much more when you know the love and care that went into growing them.

Here are more food pics!

Sprout & gosari banchan

Dwenjang Soup with greens

Breakfast on Lunar New Year's day was an orange one, with a serving of my mom's hobak jook (sweet pumpkin porridge)...

... and some pumpkin bread! Recently, my mom has been doing a lot of baking of her own, and she only makes vegan stuff now, which makes me so happy! She had this vegan pumpkin bread waiting for me when I got home, and it was/is truly delicious. I'm not even sure where she printed the recipe from, but it's absolutely delicious. Doesn't it look amazingly moist and flavorful?

We also got busy making mandu of all shapes & sizes. We don't discriminate between mandu. Long, round, flat, crimped, smooth, lumpy... we embrace/eat them all.

Vegan ttdeok guk loaded with deeelicious, freshly-made mandu. You did have tteok guk, right?

Ofcourse, we had to fry some up too! Mmm~

A giant salad, to balance things out~~

Mini jeon pancakes.

We also made some raw seaweed & pickled radish veggie wraps (with more home-grown sprouts).

These were to be dipped in a gochujang-vinegar dressing. Super healthy!
Ahh~ I think my distended belly shows how much I enjoyed everything we made. And these photos don't even cover the whole of it. Anywayyy~ hope you liked these food pics... what did you eat for lunar new years?