I realize that I may be one of the last people to blog about their thanksgiving meal, but better late than never! On Saturday, a group of old and new friends got together at my humble abode for a lovely vegan thanksgiving potluck.

This was my second year hosting the event and it was once again another huge success! There was some scrumptious food, lovely company, and plenty of silly fun. I'm sooo thankful!

Jennifer & Leif brought some much-needed salad greens, while I provided the homemade agave-mustard dressing. I also made a sauteed zucchini-mushroom dish and a bowl of mushroom gravy which you can see in the background (sorry, no close-up pics).

Another one of my contributions was this sweet potato mash. It doesn't have the typical orange sweet potato color because I used Korean "chestnut" sweet potatoes (밤고구마). Since the sweet potatoes here are on the dry side, I added soy milk to get it fluffier. I also added a teensy bit of sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, salt & pepper (everything to taste). It was quite fantastic, if I may say so myself.

My friend Abigail is famous for her special black bean dish. She brought it to one of our previous potlucks, and it was soooo good that I hinted at her to make it again. :) Delicious, as always!

Amy's herby potato wedges. They were a little cold because I don't own a microwave so we couldn't quickly reheat them, but they were still awesome.

Chris & Amy brought an entire crock pot full of delicious two-bean chili! It was really hearty and comforting, and it also had a nice spicy kick to it. Mmmm~~

My plate of vegan deliciousness. Seriously, everything tasted so good! Even the omnis among us thoroughly enjoyed the meal and said that they didn't realize a vegan dinner could be so delicious.

And to end the thanksgiving meal on a sweet note, we had tofu pumpkin pie with walnuts on top. Not sure why my pie looks green in this photo! I'll admit that for some reason, it didn't come out quite as incredible as it did last year, but it was still pretty darn good and it did its job of satisfying everyone's pumpkin pie cravings. I think the fact that people went for seconds and thirds was a good sign~ :)

Here's my dessert plate: pie with a dollop of sweet tofu cream, pears, and clementines.

The sweet tofu cream added a lil' extra sum'n sum'n.

And ofcourse, Bunny got plenty of love and attention from all her admirers. Every where she turned, someone was offering her a lettuce leaf or a clementine peel. :) She was in a state of thanksgiving bliss~

"Mmm, salad!"

After stuffing our faces and bellies, we pulled out 'Cranium' and got silly. :) It's such a fun game! My favorite category is the "Creative Cat" cuz I get to draw and play with playdough like a kid. And it goes without saying that my worst category is "Data Head" - I suck at anything involving facts and numbers... . :)
Hope everyone had a grand thanksgiving!
(photos taken by Chris, Abigail & myself)