Do you ever have a hankering to bake when it's late at night and you should be going to bed? That's what happened to me last night. It was about 10pm and all I could think of was baking muffins. Carrot muffins, to be exact. I've had a bag of carrots sitting in my fridge for a while now so baking carrot cake muffins was a perfect way to make some of them disappear.

I wanted something a little healthier that I could enjoy for breakfast the following morning, so I reduced the sugar and oil content on one of my carrot cake recipes. This healthified carrot muffin is a work in progress, so I'll post the recipe up once I tweak it a little more.

You can't tell from the pictures but there's also raisins and walnuts in there. My convection slightly overbaked them and they were a little dry on the outside, but the inside was still surprisingly soft and moist. It doesn't look pretty, but goshdarnnit, it was tasty! Not a bad way to start hitting your daily veggie servings, first thing in the morning, if you ask me.

I also had a plate of apples and bananas, sprinkled with cinnamon and the white chia seeds that I ordered from iHerb. I have to say, I'm loving the chia seeds! I've been adding them to my oatmeal, smoothies, and also sprinkling them on salads and fruit. It's amazing to see how fat and plumpy they can get. They look like frog eggs before they become tadpoles... kinda grosso, but fun to eat.

In yesterday's post, I forgot to include some pictures from a walk I took on one of this past week's sunny afternoons. I live close to Children's Grand Park and Kundae University (no stalkers, please! haha), so that's where I ended up.

I tend to avoid the zoo area at Children's Grand Park (too depressing), but these fake giraffes put a smile on my face.


Sometimes I like to walk through the campus of Kundae university which has a bigass pond in the middle of it.

Enjoying the afternoon by the pond, with a coffee from Cafe Ooh La La and my sketchpad.

Oh, and here's a photo of Friday's simple dinner. 'Eggy' tofu, sweet potato, broccoli, and ketchup.