So I finally came to the last two end slices of the 'Samlip Natural Bread' loaf that I bought at Homeplus the other day. I'm so happy to have rediscovered my love for cold sandwiches, deli-style! They're perfect for the summer season, and they come together so easily for quick lunches and dinners. I'm deep in my sandwich phase these days, so don't expect me to come out of it any time soon~

This time, I decided to "invent" a new sandwich using the last cucumber that I had from all those 'Eggless-Egg Salads' that I've been making. But this ain't no ordinary cucumber sandwich. The special ingredient is dwenjang! Ok admit it people, you know you love cucumbers (oyi) dipped in dwenjang or ssamjang! I mean, the combination is as natural as bananas and peanut butter, so it only makes sense that one would combine them in a sandwich.
This is so simple, you can hardly even call it a recipe. Infact, as much as I would like to pretend that I'm the first to come up with this idea, I'm sure someone else has beat me to it... haha~ Well, without further ado, here's what you need to create 'The Oyi-Dwenjang Sandwich'!
{ Ingredients }
2 slices of bread (I used whole wheat)
a few lettuce leaves
a few perilla leaves
1/2 a cucumber, sliced
some black olive slices
1/2 Tbs dwenjang paste
yellow mustard

It looks like chunky peanut butter, but it's dwenjang!
{ Method }
Basically, you just toast your bread, and spread a very thin layer of dwenjang on one slice (a little bit will go a long way, in terms of saltiness), and add a quick squeeze of yellow mustard. Then on the other slice, layer your perilla leaves, lettuce leaves, cucumber and olive slices. Place the other slice on top, and enjoy!

All the different flavors, from the salty dwenjang and the peppery perilla leaves, to the fresh cukes and meaty olives, all come together in perfect holy matrimony. I think I have my new fave sandwich. As soon as I photographed the heck out my dinner, I scarfed it down so fast, I almost impaled myself on the toothpicks.

Can you see that dwenjang bean peeking through? Herro~
Additional notes: you could try adding tomatoes to yours, but I don't like soggy tomato slices in my sandwiches, so I just enjoyed them on the side. I'm thinking some sprouts and maybe some grated carrots would be awesome on this too. Oh, the possibilities~!

Oh, and btw, here's a green smoothie I enjoyed for a mid-morning pick-me-up today. Just a frozen banana, some lettuce leaves, and a bit of ground flax seeds whizzed together in a blender, along with some water and ice cubes. Freshness = happiness.