Even though it's been pouring rain today, it's still a beautiful day! Why? Because it's FRIDAY~~ not that that makes much difference when you're a freelancer who works from home, but still. Life is good.

I had a very orange breakfast today. I sweahs, the color-coordination was totally unplanned. Pumpkin oats, with two apricots, and some mango slices! I'm trying to make the mango last as long as I can... So yummy. I'm not sure if you guys have noticed, but I've been trying to be a more diligent blogger by sharing more of how and what I eat on a typical day as a vegan here in Korea. Are you guys sick of seeing photos of my morning oatmeal yet? hehe. Perhaps no one really cares to see what I eat, but I have to say, that this is kinda fun.

This morning I headed over to A Twosome Place coffee shop in my neighborhood to journal, doodle, and read my book. It felt really great just to chillax with a cuppa joe (I added my own soymilk) while the rest of the world passed by, trudging through wind and rain. I also stopped by Harunohee Cafe to see Minju (my cafe-owner friend) and to deliver some of the soboro bread I baked at the hakwon yesterday.

Here is a bubbling bowl of soon-dubu jjigye that I made for lunch. This was actually my first attempt at soon-dubu jjigye, and I pretty much just went off of Maangchi's recipe, except without any of the animal ingredients. It was good and satisfying, but I don't think I used enough red pepper flakes cuz it was lacking that characteristic fire-engine red color. :)

More apricots and mango~
The majority of this afternoon has been spent painting. I'm happy to say that I finished my first painting after a very long hiatus.

My afternoon Rainy-Day Snack was a mug of Mexican hot chocolate, topped with more chocolate- a piece of chocolate biscotti that I had with me from my previous visit to Cafe Mano. (Chris, do u recognize the mug? ^^)

Anyway, happy Friday everyone, and I hope you guys have a fab weekend in store. I'm excited cuz I plan on hanging out with some great peeps, celebrating a buddy's birthday, eating good food, and maybe seeing some Pulitzer Prize photography. :)