On Saturday, before I went out for my run, I peeled and chopped up the last mango I had and threw it in the freezer so that I could make a mango smoothie once I returned. The whole time I was running, I was thinking about this mango smoothie I was going to reward myself with:

I blended the half-frozen mango up with some soymilk, silken tofu, ice cubes, water, and a little sweetener, to create this deliciously thick, creamy smoothie! So that was the last of the mangoes that I had bought earlier this week... so sad. Hopefully I'll find cheap mangoes again soon.

Fast forward to breakfast today: a bowl of apple-oats. I just added some thin apple slices to the oats while it was cooking over the stove, and then topped it all off with the usual combo of PB, cinnamon, flax seeds, and blackstrap molasses.

I love cooked apples in my oats. It makes me feel like I'm eating apple pie for breakfast.

Sunday lunch: a giant plate of tofu scramble with cherry tomatoes on the side.

Today after church, some friends and I met up at the Seoul Arts Center to see the Pulitzer Prize Photography exhibit. Note to self: never ever go to see an exhibit on Sundays. The line was so long, we waited about 1 hour just to get into the gallery.

But thank goodness Yunseo was with us because she had some fresh fruits stashed in her bag (mango and watermelon)! She even brought forks~ It was like having a mini picnic while waiting in line. Yunseo, you are indeed the most "useful" friend!^^
As for the photo exhibit itself, I thought it was really great. Some of the photographs gave me goosebumps and got me teary-eyed. Unfortunately, there were so many people crowding around every photograph, it was hard to really appreciate each piece and take it all in. Grr. I still recommend this show (ticket price: 10,000won), but only go on a weekday. Also, make sure you get one of those headsets in English because all the written captions are in Korean.
"If it makes you laugh, if it makes you cry, if it rips out your heart, that's a good picture." - Edward T. Adams

I liked this tree sculpture at the Seoul Arts Center.
Well, it was a beautiful day and fun-filled weekend. Now I'm trying to get mentally prepared for the upcoming work week. No running tonight, but I do plan on doing some yoga before bed. Ahhh~