The windowsill of my studio apartment has turned into a little organic farm. Yup, I'm actually growing food out of my tiny urban apartment! Ok, fine, they're mostly just sprouts, but that still counts, right? I've been hearing all these great things about the nutrient profile of sprouts, so when I saw some seed packets at E-Mart, I bought them before I even knew how to actually sprout them. When I got home, I did a little research on how to make these buggers grow, and lo and behold, success!
First up, Alfalfa Sprouts:

Day 1

Day 4

Day 6, after being rinsed and drained. Ready to eat!
And next, Broccoli Sprouts:

Day 1

Day 4

Day 6, washed, rinsed, and ready to eat.
This is the first time I've ever grown anything and eaten it. I love that they sprout so fast, and all without any dirt. They add great flavor to dishes like bibimbab, kimbab rolls, lettuce wraps, sandwiches, salads, etc.

Oh, and check out the very first baby pod that has appeared on my bean plant. I can't wait to eat it... Grow, little one, grow~