Hanulvut, a Korean veggie club, organized an Earth Day event last Saturday at Yeoido Park to bring awareness to all issues surrounding animal rights and the environment. A couple friends and I went, not really knowing what to expect. What we got were lots of enthusiastic Korean vegans (yay!), some animals, cherry blossoms, and a beautiful spring day.

I'm not sure who these folk are, but check out the guy in the middle with real lettuce taped to his pants!

Here's a chicken handing out 'Meat-free Monday' fliers.

We love you too.

Abigail getting involved in the activism by showing off her tag with pride.

A beautiful, friendly, vegan golden lab. Dogs can be vegan too! :)

We also got to join the group on their walk of protest around the park. It was such great weather, everyone's spirits were high and it felt good to be a part of the activism. There was also another big protest/demonstration making a big ruckus in the park, but we didn't let that deter us veg*ans in making our presence known. :)
Go Green, Go Veg!