Last Saturday, Abs and I went to Sinchon to check out the Wild Women's Performing Arts Festival, organized by none other than friend and fellow vegan, Shawn McRae. The event was a gathering of artists bringing awareness to gender issues in Korea and around the world. The venue for this year's event was at club Monghwan, and all proceeds went to the Korea Women’s Association United (KWAU).
On the first floor, there were tables set up for non-profit organizations with brochures and merchandise related to women's rights. I was especially saddened in learning about the sex trafficking of migrant workers in Korea, particularly around the US military bases. I can't even begin to imagine how horrific it must be for a young Filipina woman to be lured to a foreign country under false pretenses, only to end up as a victim of the sex industry. 'Durebang' is an NGO here that is helping these women get out of the industry, providing counseling, shelter, and support. To learn more about them and how to get involved, please visit their website.
Office #: 031-841-2609
Shelter #: 031-611-9027

The basement floor of the event was where the female rockin-out took place. I imagine that it's every nerdy guy's fantasy to see a chick in a miniskirt doing a crazy riff on the guitar.

Lastly, the second floor was a cozy, exotic space where audiences could relax on floor cushions and be inspired by spoken word poetry and acoustic songs. It was empowering to see so many brave women up there, doing their thing and speaking their truth. :)

The turn out for this event was also quite impressive. Although there were a few native performers, the majority was expat talent, and likewise, the majority of the crowd were foreigners. At times, I felt that I was no longer in Korea but back in Philly during my college years (Remember Broken Speak, Charisma? hehe). There was also a fair number of males present- it's good to know that there are some males comfortable enough in their masculinity to attend an event full of "Wild Women." :)