... is insane in the membrane. I'm so busy with all the overtime work at my job, I have little time to even think about taking food photos or blogging. It's only Wednesday, but I'm already feeling the drain... . My mind is tired and my right arm is aching from all the mouse-clicking. I admit though, it's nice to know that I'm making some extra moola, so perhaps I shouldn't complain too much.
I think the dreary weather is also responsible for my gloominess. It's been dark and wet all week! :( Wherefore art thou Sunshine?
All I can say is, I'm so thankful that the Lunar New Year holiday is coming up this weekend. I'm looking forward to it. A Lot. I plan on heading to Cheonan, relaxin' with the fam, eating good Korean food, maybe baking something... It shall be grand.

Anyway, speaking of food, last weekend, some friends came over to chill. Yunseo bought a bunch of bananas and also a butt-load of strawberries! My first strawberries of the year. They were soooooo sweet and fresh!!! Beyond delicious.

Abigail also showed up with some adorable rice cakes. I love my friends because they bring me delicious food! :P

Here's bunny feasting on some strawberry tops. Nom.
Ok, that's all for today. If I don't post again before Feb the 14th, Happy Lunar New Year, everyone~ (who cares about Valentines day- Lunar New Year is where it's at!) Go eat some vegan dduk-guk (rice cake soup).