I just watched this awesome documentary about 6 people who reversed their diabetes (partially, if not completely), just by eating raw, vegan food for 30 days. It's pretty amazing how society has come to believe that there is no cure for these types of diseases, and that the only thing we can do is accept our fate and take more drugs, more medications, and just endure the suffering, when in reality, all we have to do is change the way we eat.
I've always been interested in the raw foods movement, and although I'm pretty sure I won't ever become a raw foodie, I'm definitely inspired. I really want to start incorporating more raw meals into my diet. While being vegan does probably make my diet way healthier than most others who are on the Standard American Diet (SAD) of processed junk foods and animal fat and protein, I will admit that there are plenty of areas in which my diet still isn't ideal. I still consume more sugar than is necessary, mainly because of my love of baking. And although I do consider myself to eat a decent amount of leafy greens, I could always eat more leafy greens. And maybe eat less bab (rice). I just love rice- more than bread. haha. I also know I need to drink more water and ofcourse, exercise more and gain better sleeping habits.
There was a point this past year when I was eating a lot more raw foods than I am now. I was also juicing more, making healthy green smoothies, doing yoga, etc. And I distinctly remember that during that time, I felt really great. I felt healthy, my mind was clear, I felt connected to God, I felt great peace in my life, and I was just happy. I absolutely know there is a connection between food and overall well-being. So it's time to put it to practice, little by little, day by day.
I'm inspired.