Look at what I found at Bandi & Luni's the other day: a Korean vegan baking recipe book!!!! Whee! The title literally translates to 'Vegan Baking' and the author's name is Ji Young Park. I looked through it and I was just thrilled. Everything looks delicious and very do-able. And ofcourse, the ingredients are available in Korea. Moreover, every single recipe has full color photographs, and even photos showing the baking steps. I would actually just buy the book for the amazing food photography. You can see more of her stunning baking photos on her blogs:

So, do Koreans finally have their own vegan baking goddess? Well, unfortunately, I don't think she's actually vegan herself, but she obviously does a lot of vegan baking. There are other recipes on her site which aren't vegan, so just ignore those... . It would be nice to have a Korean vegan cookbook author who is actually vegan, but I'm not going to complain. I hope this baking book flies off those shelves!!!