Merry Christmas!
Having spent my life in 6 different countries, I have a rather eclectic collection of Christmas memories. I feel like each one has been different, so there hasn't been a whole lot of traditional continuity from year to year. But that's okay. As long as I'm with people I love, and get to eat some yummy comfort food, I'm all good.

Speaking of comfort food, what's more comforting than some delicious banana bread? My dad's birthday was a few days before Christmas, so I went down to Cheonan early this week to be with family. And for my dad's birthday/Christmas cake, my mom and I baked up some banana bread deliciousness. For the recipe, we used this one from There are so many recipes online that it took a while to sift through all of them and finally decide on which one to do. hehe. It's a wonder that people put animal products in banana bread at all, when it tastes so amazing vegan.

This banana bread came out super scrumdiddillyumptious. We were a little worried cuz it was taking a while to bake up and once we took it out of the oven, it kind of sunk a bit. But it still looked and tasted amazing. It was very moist, which is the way I like my banana bread to be (unlike the one in this post!).

By the way, we bought the paper baking loaf mold from the Bangsan Market at Dongdaemun. They're perfect for baking goodies in and then giving them away to hungry neighbors~
Anyway, I don't know that I'll get round to blogging tomorrow, so I bid you all a very merry compassionate Christmas eve and day.