Check out what Sylvia found for me! A Korean bag of vegan nacho chips called 'RoMaNa' which is short for ROseMAry NAchos. I think these nachos were made for Korean health nuts, what with all the greenery going on on the packaging. It kinda reminds me of the packaging used for Korean toothpastes.
Anyway, when I ate my first chip, I was surprised at how 'eggy' it tasted, and then Sylvia told me that the eggy flavor was due to the bamboo salt which is part of its ingredients (you can see bamboo images on the packaging). Who knew that bamboo salt could have such an unlikely taste? It was definitely a weird experience tasting 'egginess' again after so long, especially on a nacho chip... . At first, I wasn't sure that I cared too much for the egg taste, but I got used to it after a few chips. I especially liked the hint or rosemary on them, and also the small size of the chips- perfect for just popping in your mouth.

So I guess these are nachos, Korean-style. Sylvia said she found them at the Lotte Department store supermarket, so if you're curious, go there to find 'em. Thanks Sylvia for keeping your eyes open for vegan goodies, and for buying this for me~!