A few weeks ago, I went to my neighborhood outdoor market and came back with a huge bag of potatoes for super cheap. I hardly ever buy potatoes, but I've been wanting to incorporate them into my diet more. So lately I have been busy eating potatoes non-stop, for lunch at home, packed lunch at work, as well as for dinner. Here are a few ways in which I've been enjoying my potatoes:
1. Potato curry over rice:

2. Herbed Potatoes & Mixed Veggies

3. Prospect Park Potato Salad

For this one, I followed the recipe from 'Veganomicon' and it turned out awesome. It looks yellower than normal potato salad cuz I think I put extra mustard in it (I wasn't following the measurements exactly). As for the mayo, I used some 'Nayonaise' that I brought back with me from Cali. I have made my own soy mayo before in the past though, and I'm pretty sure that would work just as well for this.
So yea~ I've got potatoes coming out the wazoo. Although potato carbs are a good break from the usual choice of rice, I have to say that I miss my rice! I guess I am Asian afterall.
Got rice? ;)