I have a list of foods that I have to eat while I'm here, and one of them is a big fat Chipotle burrito. Chipotle is possibly the only fast food joint that I'll walk into because I know I can get a vegan burrito there no problem, and what makes it even better is that it's no longer owned by McDonald's, so I don't have to feel guilty about supporting it. And, whaddya know, since I left, a Chipotle opened up right by my grandma's house!

My sister and I shared a 'Vegetarian burrito' with chips. It soooo satisfied my burrito craving. Someone should seriously bring a Chipotle to Seoul! They would make a fortune from all the expats (and even Koreans too who are catching on to Mexican food), and give Dos Tacos a run for their money.
Moving on... In general, I don't crave packaged snacks, but I will admit to missing Doritos. I thought I would forever have to live without, and then I heard snippets through the blogging grapevine that there were supposedly vegan Doritos out there. However, I didn't let myself believe it for fear that it was just another vegan urban myth, like the one that Clint Eastwood is a vegan (he's not). Plus, denial helps when you're all the way in South Korea with access to only one Doritos flavor. But then I came here, and sure enough, there it was, radiating love and sunshine in the middle of the packaged snacks aisle at Pavillions.

Ohhh yes. Better believe it.
Like I said, I'm not a huge snack lover, but if I see one that's vegan, I'll try it out, just for novelty's sake, and I might keep buying and eating it, for the sole satisfaction of knowing that I can. And there are so many vegan snacks here in the US, whether intentional or not, that I'm pretty sure I would gain a ton of weight if I moved back. Anyway, here's another bag of vegan chips my sister and I bought.

It was aiight, but not as good as the vegan Doritos!! I'm already trying to think of how I'm going to explain to the customs inspection agent at Incheon Airport why my suitcase will be filled with nothing but Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos chips.