It's been a while since I baked anything in my apartment because I was taking the baking class last month, and then I got sick with food poisoning. So yesterday I decided to get back into the swing of things by baking some whole wheat bread. I hadn't baked bread in such a long time that I'd forgotten how to do it! I also lost my recipe sheet where I wrote a bunch of notes, like the perfect temperature for my convention oven, and times. Bah! So although I wasn't starting from square one, it did feel like I was back in 'experimentation mode.' I think baking bread is something that you have to practice frequently, or you'll forget the little details and lose some of your skills.

Anyway, here is how mine turned out. It's not as pretty as my past loaf, but it was edible. I think I also let it rise too much because it sunk a bit while baking, and the texture was also kinda crumbly on the inside. *sigh* I should bake a loaf of bread every week so that I can actually improve.
Here's the recipe that I used from