You know you're addicted to vegan baking when...
- vegan baking books become your nighttime reading.
- you wake up early just to bake.
- you start baking after midnight, because you have an itch to bake.
- you are constantly looking through vegan food blogs.
- you buy exotic baking ingredients without knowing exactly how you'll use them.
- you will go to any length to get an ingredient a recipe calls for.
- you own an oven thermometer.
- you dream about baking.
- you bake more than you have mouths to feed.
- you gain weight.
- you have to give yourself a weekly baking limit.
- you break your weekly baking limit.
- you try the same recipe using different egg replacers.
- you try the same recipe using different nondairy milks.
- you start a blog that unintentionally ends up being primarily about vegan baking.
- you start feeding your coworkers with things you bake, just so you don't end up eating them all.
- you consider putting your convection oven away for a month so it won't tempt you... outta sight, outta mind, right?
- you own more baking pans and muffin tins than pots and saucepans.
- most of your kitchen cupboards contain baking supplies and ingredients.
- you start looking for any excuse to bake - pms day? happy UNbirthday?
- you don't give up on a recipe until it comes out perfect.
- you entertain the idea of going to culinary school to become a vegan pastry chef.
- mixing the wet with the dry takes you to your happy place.
Thursday, 2 April 2009