'Down with Down'
What a gloomy wet day! It was the kind of weather where you just want to curl up in bed all day with some hot chocolate. No worries, I still had a good day! Chris and I went to the Coffee the Sol cafe. I doodled and listened to the VegTalk podcast, while Chris studied. Check out how great their coffee cups are! Bunny imagery!

After that, we treated ourselves to a dinner at Pomodoros (the one at Star City, Kundae). I love this place cuz they make the most awesome vegetarian spaghetti. It usually has cheese in it, but I just ask them to leave that out. So for me, it's vegan! Chris and I always order the same thing, no need to look at the menu.
*UPDATE* Sorry folks, I went to Pomodoros again after I posted this and found out that they use butter in their pasta dishes. Such a bummer!