I went to Cheonan again this past weekend! Two weekends in a row! I can't remember if that has ever happened before. The weather was sooo perfect. There was this cherry blossom festival at a highschool, so we went to check that out. It was beautiful! I have never seen so many cherry blossoms before in my life. In fact, they were actually all over the city, country side, and mountains, so I got to enjoy them all weekend long. It's too bad they only last for about a week.

Sometimes I think my family is cute. On Saturday, we randomly decided that we wanted to go on a picnic for dinner, so we quickly packed some rice, veggies, side dishes, and fruit, and drove to this remote country hillside, surrounded by mountains and not much else. We just plopped ourselves down in the middle of a this huge, empty grassy lawn, and enjoyed an awesome dinner as the sun set. My mum even packed some hot tea in a flask, incase it started to get cold. Check out the vittles & sunset:

I also learnt an important lesson this weekend: if you have found a good banana bread recipe, memorize it! Don't trust another recipe to work the way you want it to! I wanted to bake banana bread, but I didn't have my usual recipe on me, so I used a random one from the Internet, assuming that it would all just be the same. WRONG! The recipe resulted in a banana cake (I call it 'cake' rather than 'bread,' since I didn't bake it in a loaf pan) that was dry dry dry. Not only was the recipe itself lacking liquid, it also called for a really long baking time. I should've known better! Anywayyy... lesson learned. I do have to admit though, one thing good about this recipe was that it only has 2 tablespoons of oil, so it's on the healthier side, in other words, less guilt. Maybe I'll try to play around with it to see if I can perfect it. I'll post the recipe once I do! For now, enjoy a pretty picture of my dry banana cake:

Oh, and I think I've found real vegan margarine in Korea! It's called 'Ottogi Pound Margarine.' I examined the ingredients, and did not find any sneaky addings of dairy milk. I even got my dad to verify it. Now I'm thinking of all the new baking recipes I can try! Uhoh... danger...