Happy April Fool's Day!!!

Today is also the 2-year Anniversary of me and Bunny being together. Bunny is my gorgeous rabbit and the only other vegan I personally know. I have so much to say about this creature because she is a huge part of my life,

and if my memory serves me correctly, I believe that I met her the same year that I became vegetarian. :) Coincidence, you say? I think not!
Bunny has brought so much joy into my life, and also a

greater awareness about animals. I have had a lot of pets in the past, but I never really appreciated them the way I have come to appreciate Bunny. People seem to have this misconception that rabbits are dumb and aloof, but this one is not. She is potty-trained, and she even acts protective of her litterbox whenever I change the litter. She has her favorite spots in the apartment, like the cushion that used to be mine until she claimed it as her own, or the one spot on my bed where she always sits, no matter where I move her. And she is meticulously clean! I have never had to give her a bath and she still smells good. And on top of all that, she has distinct moods, like when she wants to be left alone, when she wants to be petted, and when she wants to frolic and dance around.

It truly saddens me to know that there are bunnies out there who are suffering due to animal testing, or who are locked up in cages their whole lives only to have their skin and fur ripped from their faces for the sake of "high fashion."

This actually reminds me of the time I watched 'Earthlings' and how I bawled ridiculously when I saw that mink being skinned alive. As soon as I finished watching it, I went straight to Bunny, hugged her, and apologized on behalf of all

mankind. In the same way that Franz Kafka said to some fish, "Now I can look at you in peace, I don't eat you anymore," I can also look at Bunny in peace, knowing that I will never intentionally harm any of her kind.
Even though her hairs are always floating around in my apartment, especially when she is molting, I still love her. She is adorable and I'm so glad that we are both vegans. :) Sometimes we practically share meals.
Aw, she just jumped on my lap cuz she wants some attention! I guess that's my cue. So happy anniversary to us!
Here's a video of what she does during her play time. She likes to try straightening out my sheets: